Combinatorial Optimization and Logistics
Director: Prof Frank NeumannTravelling thief problem: a transition from theoretical problems to realistic problems
Real-world optimization problems usually consist of several problems that interact with each other. In order to solve such problems it is important to understand and deal with these interactions. So far, the research literature is lacking systematic approaches for dealing with such interdependent problems.Therefore, a new problem called travelling thief problem (TTP) has been introduced, which is more similar to real-world problems. In fact, the interdependency between the sub-components of real-world problems (that was missed in the previous benchmark problems) has been incorporated in this new problem. It is a combination of two of the most prominent combinatorial optimization problems, namely the traveling salesperson problem (TSP) and the knapsack problem (KP). Both problems have been considered in numerous theoretical and experimental studies, and very effective solvers are known that perform well on a variety of benchmarks. It is important to note that the TTP is unlike many capacitated vehicle-routing problems in the area of Green Logistics. In our case, we add to the routing problem not only a load-dependent feature, but also the NP-hard optimization problem of deciding which items are to be packed.
There has been a competition at IEEE WCCI 2014 related to TTP, and again at IEEE CEC 2015, and again at IEEE CEC 2017 and GECCO 2017, and again at GECCO 2023
In 2019, there have been two competitions on the bi-objective TTP: EMO 2019, GECCO 2019
Best TTP objective score: if you are here to find the best known TTP scores, have a look at the Journal of Heuristics 2017 paper below.
This is a comprehensive comparison of many algorithms that had a single-run with 10-minute per instance time limit.
Below, at the 2017 competition competition, there is also a comprehensive comparison of algorithm with some competition submissions -- note that the competition participants did not have
any time limit.
Published papers:
Efficiently solving the thief orienteering problem with a max-min ant colony optimization approach
Jonatas B. C. Chagas and Markus Wagner
Optimization Letters | code | Springer -
A weighted-sum method for solving the bi-objective traveling thief problem
Jonatas B. C. Chagas, Markus Wagner
Computers and Operations Research arxiv | code -
Ants can orienteer a thief in their robbery
Jonatas B. C. Chagas and Markus Wagner
Operations Research Letters | arxiv | code -
A Non-Dominated Sorting Based Customized Random-Key Genetic Algorithm for the Bi-Objective Traveling Thief Problem
Chagas, J. B. C., Blank, J., Wagner, M., Souza, M. J. F. and Deb, K.
Journal of Heuristics
PDF | Journal of Heuristics -
The Dynamic Travelling Thief Problem: Benchmarks and Performance of Evolutionary Algorithms
Ragav Sachdeva, Frank Neumann, and Markus Wagner
arxiv -
Evolutionary computation for multicomponent problems: opportunities and future directions
Mohammad Reza Bonyadi, Zbigniew Michalewicz, Frank Neumann, and Markus Wagner
Optimization in Industry 2019
Springer | arxiv -
Evolutionary Computation plus Dynamic Programming for the Bi-Objective Travelling Thief Problem
Junhua Wu, Sergey Polyakovskiy, Markus Wagner, Frank Neumann
Proceedings, Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference 2018
PDF | | code and results -
A fitness landscape analysis of the Travelling Thief Problem
Mohamed El Yafrani, Marcella S.R. Martins, Mehdi El Krari, Markus Wagner, Myriam R.B.S. Delgado, Belaid Ahiod, Ricardo Lueders
Proceedings, Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference 2018
PDF | slides | code by Mehdi EL KRARI | used igraph R package -
A hyperheuristic approach based on low-level heuristics for the travelling thief problem
Mohamed El Yafrani, Marcella Martins, Markus Wagner, Belaïd Ahiod, Myriam Delgado, and Ricardo Lueders
Journal Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines 2017
Exact Approaches for the Travelling Thief Problem
Junhua Wu, Markus Wagner, Sergey Polyakovskiy, Frank Neumann
Proceedings, Simulated Evolution and Learning 2018
PDF | code and results -
TTP 2017 Competition, single-objective, no time-limit
results -
A case study of algorithm selection for the traveling thief problem
Markus Wagner, Marius Lindauer, Mustafa Misir, Samadhi Nallaperuma, and Frank Hutter
Journal of Heuristics 2017
ASlib scenario data
performance data of 21 algorithms on 9720 instances -
HSEDA: A Heuristic Selection Approach Based on Estimation of Distribution Algorithm for the Travelling Thief Problem
Marcella Martins, Mohamed El Yafrani, Markus Wagner, Myriam Delgado, Belaid Ahiod, and Ricardo Lueders
Proceedings, Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference 2017
Multi-objectiveness in the Single-objective Traveling Thief Problem
Mohamed El Yafrani, Shelvin Chand, Aneta Neumann, Belaid Ahiod, and Markus Wagner
Proceedings, Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference 2017 (Companion)
Fast Heuristics for the Multiple Traveling Thieves Problem
Shelvin Chand and Markus Wagner
Proceedings, Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference 2016
code for the MTTP (including the objective function and some heuristics)
experimental results on 72 instances as used in the article (averages of 30 independent runs) -
Stealing items more efficiently with ants
Markus Wagner
Proceedings, Tenth International Conference on Swarm Intelligence 2016
PDF, (extended version)
code for the MMAS approach
experimental results on 108 instances as used in the article (averages of 30 independent runs)
Approximate Approaches to the Traveling Thief Problem
Hayden Faulkner, Sergey Polyakovskiy, Tom Schultz, and Markus Wagner
Proceedings, Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference 2015
code for the heuristics H1-5 and C1-6
experimental results on 72 instances as used in the article (averages of 30 independent runs)
experimental results on 9720 instance (single run, uploaded on 25 Feb 2016), readme
A Comprehensive Benchmark Set and Heuristics for the Traveling Thief Problem
Sergey Polyakovskiy, Mohammad Reza Bonyadi, Markus Wagner, Frank Neumann, and Zbigniew Michalewicz
Proceedings, Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference 2014
PDF (ACM) | all 9720 Instances
Related data: objective function (C#, Java (including heuristic algorithms), Matlab), experimental results (objective values, runtimes, as plots and tables), feature data of of the instances for feature analyses (uploaded on 25 Feb 2016) -
The travelling thief problem: the first step in the transition from theoretical problems to realistic problems
Mohammad Reza Bonyadi, Zbigniew Michalewicz, and Luigi Barone
In: IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, IEEE CEC 2013, pp: 1037 - 1044
Related data (incl. objective functions): Travelling thief problem-model 1, Travelling thief problem-model 2
Optimisation of Professional Cycling Strategies
Team pursuit track cycling is a bicycle racing sport held on velodromes and it is part of the Summer Olympics. It involves the use of strategies to minimize the overall time that a team of cyclists needs to complete a race.We developed an optimisation framework for team pursuit track cycling and showed how to evolve strategies using metaheuristics for this interesting real-world problem. Our experimental results show that these heuristics lead to significantly better strategies than state-of-art strategies that are currently used by teams of cyclists.
For optimizers, this problem is challenging as optimal solutions are close to infeasible solutions. In order to achieve good racing times, the cyclists tend to use up all their energy. Infeasible solutions ask the cyclists to use more energy than they have at their disposal.
The simulator is available for download: Source Code: Java implementation (Maintainer: Markus Wagner).Usage in Classrooms
We have used this problem (and this code) as a group project in our course on "Evolutionary Computation" (single-objective simulator: simulator code). For the results, please click here.-
Nested Multi- and Many-Objective Optimisation of Team Pursuit Track Cycling
Markus Wagner
Frontiers in Applied Mathematics and Statistics, Section Optimization
Frontiers (open access) | code (Netbeans project) | results -
An evolutionary algorithm for bilevel optimisation of Men's Team Pursuit Track Cycling
Diora Jordan and Trent Kroeger
Proceedings, IEEE Conference on Evolutionary Computation (CEC 2012)
IEEE Press
Evolving Pacing Strategies for Team Pursuit Track Cycling
Markus Wagner, Jareth Day, Diora Jordan, Trent Kroeger, and Frank Neumann
Advances in Metaheuristics 2013 (extended version of the MIC 2011 version)
Springer Operations Research/Computer Science Interfaces Series | simulator code -
Evolving Pacing Strategies for Team Pursuit Track Cycling
Markus Wagner, Jareth Day, Diora Jordan, Trent Kroeger, and Frank Neumann
Metaheuristics International Conference (MIC 2011) [Best Paper Award]
PDF | Slides | Springer Operations Research/Computer Science Interfaces Series | simulator code