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Multiview Analysis of Mammograms

In this work, we aim at two research questions: 1) can we use deep ConvNet models pre-trained from computer vision datasets on medical image analysis applications?; and 2) can we use deep ConvNets to analyse unregistered medical images.

Media coverage: iTWire

Deep Reinforcement Learning for Active Breast Lesion Detection from DCE-MRI

We present a novel methodology for the automated detection of breast lesions from dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance volumes (DCE-MRI). Our method, based on deep reinforcement learning, significantly reduces the inference time for lesion detection compared to an exhaustive search, while retaining state-of-art accuracy.

The video on the left hand side shows a few runs of the RL inference on test MRI volumes.

A Deep Learning Approach for the Analysis of Masses in Mammograms with Minimal User Intervention

Complete system for detecting, segmenting and analysing breast masses from mammograms using deep learning models!

Globally Optimal Breast Mass Segmentation from DCE-MRI using Deep Semantic Segmentation as Shape Prior

Globally optimal inference in a continuous space using a shape prior computed from a semantic segmentation produced by a deep learning model.

Fully Automated Classification of Mammograms using Deep Residual Neural Networks

Breast screening with Residual Deep Nets.

The Automated Learning of Deep Features for Breast Mass Classification from Mammograms

This work addresses the following question: is it possible to leverage the previously designed hand-crafted features in the modelling of deep convolutional neural networks for the problem of classifying breast masses from mammograms?

Multiview Analysis of Mammograms

In this work, we aim at two research questions: 1) can we use deep ConvNet models pre-trained from computer vision datasets on medical image analysis applications?; and 2) can we use deep ConvNets to analyse unregistered medical images??

Deep Learning and Structured Prediction for  the Segmentation of Mass in Mammograms

This paper explores the use of deep convolution and deep belief networks as potential functions in structured prediction models for the segmentation of breast masses from mammograms

Automated Mass Detection from Mammograms using Deep Learning and Random Forest

In this work, we propose a precise mass detection approach from mammograms using a cascade of detectors, followed by a random forest classifier.

Fully Automated Non-rigid Segmentation with Distance Regularized Level Set
Evolution Initialized and Constrained by Deep-structured Inference

Use of level set methods to compensate for small training sets to train deep learning models in medical image analysis.

Non-rigid Segmentation using Sparse Low Dimensional Manifolds and Deep Belief Networks

Use of sparse manifolds for faster inference and training of deep belief network models.

An Improved Joint Optimization of Multiple Level Set Functions for the Segmentation of Overlapping
Cervical Cells

New level set optimisation function that segments jointly multiple overlapping cells.