Santa Claus came early this year and another of my dreams came true: in my new Ferrari California, Adelaide, October 2012
Family dinner in France, France, October 2012
Family photo, some mystery place, France, October 2012
Some relaxing moments, Warsaw, September 2012
In the Le Jules Verne restaurant, 125 meters above the ground at the Eiffel Tower, Paris, France, June 2012
By myself, Paris, France, June 2012
With my wife and our close friends: Larisa and Kostya, Warsaw, June 2012
With friends, Chisinau, Moldova, June 2012
At SolveIT Software office in Moldova, Moldova, June 2012
In the front of the house where Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin lived for a while during his exile, Moldova, June 2012
Country side near Orhei Vechi - a historical and archaeological complex that includes cave monastery and a church, Moldova, June 2012
With friends at Milestii Mici - underground cellar that has a wine collection of 1.5 million bottles and is listed as The Largest Quality Wine Collection In the World in the Guinness World Records, Moldova 2012
With Henri Luchian, Iasi, Romania, June 2012
With Ken De Jong, Iasi, Romania, June 2012
Moving to a new house, Adelaide, Australia, February 2012
View from the house, Adelaide, Australia, February 2012