One of these four is my mother-in-law..., Poland, August 2011
Class Reunion - 37 years after graduating from university, Warsaw, Poland, 9 July 2011
Winning an international blackjack competition, Mariner of the Seas, somewhere at the Mediterranean Sea, 27 June 2011. During the qualifying round, the competitors were organised into separate tables; at each table there were 7 players and we played - at each table - just 7 hands. Each of us got $500 in chips to start with. The minimum bet was $25, and the maximum - $500. I qualified for the final round from all qualifying tables with a style; my score was $1,525 and it was the highest from all competitors. The best seven players were identified for the final round. As the player with the highest score, I was the one to select the place at the final table. I selected the middle seat, having 3 players on my left and 3 other players on the right. Other players selected their places in order of their scores. Again, each of us got $500 and the rules were the same (we would play 7 hands in total with the rotating order of the first player to bet). The first three hands were miserable, I lost all of them. I recovered in hands #4 and #5 - at this stage I was around the 5th place (just my estimate, by looking at the chips of other players) with just $525. So on second-to-last hand, hand #6, I bet $500 - almost everything I had and I won. At this stage, before the last hand, the organisers made a count of chips for all players, so all players can think about the optimal strategy for betting during the last round. At that time the leading player was $1,450, the second player was $1,375, I was the third with $1,025, and the fourth one was with $1,000 even. The other three players had peanuts and they did not count at this stage. Now the last round has started. Of course, I made a bet of $500 (maximum amount). My first card was 3 (and I was upset). The dealer got ten, but my next card was 8. I had just enough to double (so $1,000 was on the table) and I got King! The two leading players were playing smaller amounts, trying to stay in the lead. The fourth player (who bet also $500) had 8 on the first two cards and he doubled as well - he got 10, making the total of 18. The dealer got 4 and 10 - bust! So, the first two players (after the first six hands) finished with $1,600 or so, I finished with $2,025, and the player, who was 4th after the first six hands, finished second with $2,000. I got an ovation, T-shirt, some money (in casino chips) as a reward, and a nice trophy. The satisfaction was double - not only because of the win, but also because I won just by $25 (the value of the smallest chip on the table).
Acropolis, Greece, June 2011
Athens, Greece, June 2011
Capri, Italy, June 2011
Sorrento, Italy, June 2011
Red-light district of Pompeii, Italy, June 2011
Jordan River, Isreal, June 2011
Jerusalem, Isreal, June 2011
Via Dolorosa, Jerusalem, Isreal, June 2011
Jerusalem, Isreal, June 2011
Kusadasi, Turkey, June 2011
Esphesus, Turkey, June 2011
Esphesus, Turkey, June 2011
Crete, Greece, June 2011
Rhodes, Greece, June 2011
On the boat on the Mediterranean Sea, June 2011
Istanbul, Turkey, June 2011
Class Reunion - 42 years after graduating from high school, Warsaw, Poland, 11 June 2011
Warsaw, Poland, June 2011
Warsaw, Poland, June 2011
Warsaw, Poland, June 2011