You can find most information on the systems available here in my book: "Genetic Algorithms + Data Structures = Evolution Programs", 3rd edition, Springer-Verlag, 1996. You can check chapter 9 of my new book "How to Solve It: Modern Heuristics", Springer-Verlag, 2000 (written together with David Fogel). You can also retrieve some information by searching "Papers" section of my home page.
  1. genetic2.tar.Z - very old version (probably with some bugs) of an evolutionary system for the linear transportation problem.

  2. genetic2n.tar.Z - very old version (probably with some bugs) of an evolutionary system for the nonlinear transportation problem.

  3. genocop.tar.Z - the original version of the Genocop system (from 1991).

  4. genocop2.0.tar.Z - the second version of the Genocop system with improved operators.

  5. genocop2.1.tar.Z -the next version of the Genocop system with an improvement in initialization routine.

  6. genocop2.2.tar.Z - the next version of the Genocop system with an improvement in a selection routine.

  7. genocop3.0.tar.Z - the third version of the Genocop system, a few new options available.

  8. genocop3.1.tar.Z - an experimental version with self-tuning probabilities of operators.

  9. genocop4.0.tar.Z - an experimental version with a possibility to declare integer/Boolean variables.

  10. genocopIII.tar.Z - the first version of Genocop III: a system which handles also nonlinear constraints.

  11. gcopIII10.tar.Z - the second version of Genocop III: a system which handles also nonlinear constraints.

  12. genocop5.0.tar.Z - the first version of Genocop 5.0: a system which handles nonlinear constraints by using a decoder.