Grants Summary
- Total Australian Research Council (ARC) funding awarded: $4.34 M
- Lead (1st) Chief Investigator (CI) (2 DPs, 1 DECRA): $1M
- Co-CI (4 LPs, 1 LIEF, 1 DP): $3.34M
- Other funding (RDCs, Industry, ...) as a CI: ~$138.38M
ARC Grants
ARC Discovery Project Grant 2024-2027, 2nd co-Chief Investigator (CI)
Learning to Reason in Reinforcement Learning
ARC LIEF (Linkage, Infrastucture, Equipment and Facilities) Grant 2023, co-Chief Investigator (CI), and Machine Learning Lead
A Multi-environment Phenotyping Site For Biotech Plants
- ARC Linkage Grant 2021-2024, 3rd CI, and Machine Learning Lead
A Machine Learning driven flow modelling of fragmented rocks in cave mining
- ARC Discovery Project Grant 2016-2019, 1st CI
Probabilistic Graphical Models For Interventional Queries
- ARC Linkage Project Grant 2014-2017, 2nd CI
Sentient Buildings
- ARC Discovery Project Grant 2014-2016, 1st CI
Online Learning for Large Scale Structured Data in Complex Situations
- ARC Linkage Grant 2013-2016, 4th CI
Semantic change detection through large-scale learning
- ARC Linkage Grant 2012-2015, 3rd CI
Scalable classification for massive datasets: randomized algorithms
- ARC DECRA fellowship, 2012-2014, Sole CI
Compressive Sensing Based Probabilistic Graphical Models