Introduction to Statistical Machine Learning (COMP SCI 4401/7401), Semester 2, 2015
Teachers: Dr. Javen Qinfeng Shi (Coordinator) and Prof. Chunhua Shen
Video Recording TBA
Lecture Time: 30 Jul - 17 Sep, 8 Oct - 29 Oct, Thursday 3pm - 5pm.
Location: Engineering Nth, N132, Lecture Theatre.
- 30 July [Javen] Machine Learning Problem
- 6 Aug. [Javen] Supervised Learning --- Classification --- Algorithms including: KNN, Perceptron, SVM, LogReg
- 13 Aug. [Chunhua] Supervised Learning --- Classification --- Boosting Algorithms
- 20 Aug. [Chunhua] Supervised Learning --- Regression
- 27 Aug. [Chunhua] Neural networks and Deep learning
- 3 Sep. [Chunhua] Dimension reduction
- 10 Sep. [Javen] Probabilistic Graphical Models --- Representation
- 17 Sep. [Javen] Probabilistic Graphical Models --- Inference ---- Mid-term Break ----
- 8 Oct. [Javen] Probabilistic Graphical Models --- Learning parameters
- 15 Oct. [Javen] Probabilistic Graphical Models --- Learning structures
- 22 Oct. [Javen] Kernels
- 29 Oct. [Javen] Learning Theory