School of Computer Science
University of Adelaide
Ingkarni Wardli,
North Terrace Campus,
Adelaide, SA, Australia
ph: +61 (0) 8 8313 2135
email: ian dot reid at adelaide edu au
PhD study
I am always keen to supervise intelligent, highly motivated students in all areas of computer vision and machine learning, though note that my capacity to take on new students is very limited.
Applications must be formally made through the University of Adelaide (see this link. Note that the University offers scholarships (both national and international) but I also occasionally have designated funds for PhD studentships including either or both of fees and living allowance. Specific opportunities will be highlighted on this page.
Visiting / Internships
If you are interested in visiting my lab for a short period such as for one year, or even for a summer internship, please contact me directly stating clearly the earea in which you want to work and providing your CV and degree transcripts to date. In the past I have only accepted one or two such applications per annum and been quite selective, and at present my capacity yt osupervise is even more limuted by my role as Head of School. Neverthelss I have a team of excellent postdocs who are also keen to supervise. There are presently no bench fees or visiting student fees payable, but you should be aware of the cost of living in Australia, which is quite high. I am unlikely to be able to offer financial assistance.
Jobs / Employment / Postdocs
I regularly recruit outstanding individuals to work as postdoctroal research fellows. If you are seeking employment please check the ACVT website and the University recruitment pages to see what opportunities are currently available within the group. If I am currently advertising something it will appear below, but that does not mean it is not worth contactin g me.
Previous (closed Nov 2016)
Research Programmer
The Australian Centre for Visual Technologies (ACVT) is seeking an individual to develop highly optimised programs and systems for a variety of exciting computer vision and robotics applications, converting research ideas into robust, efficient code. The post is for immediate appointment and for up to two years in duration, with possible extension beyond this.Previous (closed July 2016)
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
We are seeking to appoint a postdoctoral researcher who will contribute to priojects in one or more of the followinh areas: visual SLAM, large-scale object recognition, visual scene understanding, robust statistical methods, scene reconstruction and visual trackingPrevious (closed Nov 2015)
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
We are seeking to appoint a postdoctoral researcher who will contribute to priojects in one or more of the following areas: visual SLAM, large-scale object recognition, visual scene understanding, robust statistical methods, scene reconstruction and visual trackingSenior Postdoctoral Research Leader
We are also seeking a highly motivated senior researcher to help lead a team of several researchers and PhD students investigating large-scale online learning for semantic SLAM and scene understanding. He/she must be a strong team player, and be able to work with the lead investigator (Prof. Ian Reid) to set research directions and objectives for the team. For further details on these opportunities or to apply, please visit the University’s Careers Webpage.Previous (closed 31st Aug 2013)
- Senior postdoctoral research fellow in machine learning and computer vision
- Two postdoctoral research fellows in computer vision
- Research Engineer in computer vision and machine learning