How to submit your camera-ready paperPlease follow the link to the Paper Submission System to submit your camera ready paper. Please follow the instructions from the Springer website to prepare your final submission. The maximum number of pages for your final paper is 8, including abstract and references. Note that since Springer will enforce their formatting rules, it is extremely important that you strictly adhere to the guidelines (i.e., no vspaces, no modified margins, etc.). The program chairs reserve the right to reject papers that are over the 8 page limit in the final version. Authors of each accepted paper needs to upload a single zip file (<10 Mb) including the following materials: 1. a completed copyright form (copyrightlncs_DLMIA2015), 2. a PDF of the camera ready, and 3. source files of the camera ready, namely, a Word file or a .tex file plus all figures, style files, special fonts, .eps, .bib etc. Please name the .zip file using your paper submission ID (for example:, where 10 is your paper ID number). How to submit your paperPlease follow the link to the Paper Submission System to submit your paper. Please make sure to read the section Submission Guidelines before you start the submission process. Author's ScheduleFull Paper Submission: June 8th, 2015 Submission GuidelinesSubmissions should describe original work that has not been submitted to or accepted for another conference, nor will be published in a journal before the DLMIA in October 2015. Submission Format
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