COMP SCI 1106 Introduction to Software Engineering
Current Offerings
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Why should I study Software Engineering
This course will cover basic concepts needed to develop complex software systems.
What will I learn?
The course will cover
- Approches to design(Design based on function versus data)
- Object-oriented Design (static models, dynamic models, requirements capture)
- Software quality (Design by Contract, Software Inspection)
- Human Aspects (Ethics and Professional Practice, Managing Object-Oriented projects)
Other topics include an overview of programming language
principles, simple analysis of algorithms, basic searching and sorting
techniques, and an introduction to software engineering issues.
What should I know before I enrol?
You are assumed to know object-oriented programming methodology. You should be able to design and develop solutions based
on this paradigm.
What comes next?
Introduction to Software Engineering is a foundation course that provides core
knowledge need for many other courses. A course that you should enrol
is COMP SCI 3006 Software Engineering and Project.