Dr. Wei (Emma) ZhangSchool of Computer and Mathematical Sciences Faculty of Science, Engineering and Technology The University of Adelaide North Terrace, Adelaide, SA 5005, Australia Email:wei[DOT]e[DOT]zhang[AT]adelaide[DOT]edu[DOT]au |
• 3 papers are accepted by IJCNN.
• A journal paper is accepted by TNSM. Congratulaitons Subhash!
• A demo paper is accepted by WSDM23.
• We are funded by CSIRO's Next Generation Graduates Program. PhD recruting will start soon!
• Congratulations to Haojie Zhuang, our DP supported PhD, has an EMNLP paper accepted.
Recruiting I am seeking highly motivated and focused research students with backgrounds and interests in Computer Science, Mathematics, and Engineering. You may look at the scholarship webpage for domestic or international student. For Chinese student, you could take a look of the Adelaide University China Fee Scholarship (CSC). Further equiries, please email me directly.
Short Bio
I am currently a Lecturer and Associate Head of People and Culture at the School of Computer and Mathematical Science, The University of Adelaide, and Hornorary Lecturer at School of Computing, Macquarie University.
I obtained PhD from School of Computer Science, The University of Adelaide. Before joining The University of Adelaide, I spent two years in Macquarie University as Postdoctoral Research Fellow.
I also have six-year's industry experience in different roles in industry.
Research Interests
My interested areas includes text mining, natural language processing, information retrieval and Internet of Things applications, but not limited to.
My current research relates to three specific areas:
i) Text summarization;
ii) AIoT
iii) Adversarial attacks on deep neural models for text;
iv) Medical information extraction.