COMP SCI 2008 Topics in Computer Science
Introduction to a specialised area of Computer Science through a supervised project, with a student working closely with one or more research staff in the school. Topics include theoretical and applied aspects of Computer Science. This course combines guided reading and research with a significant individual or group project component that will produce a useful artifact after 12-14 weeks of project time.
Students will be responsible for most of the design and development of their own projects, with the supervisor acting as an end-user and customer as well as a mentor and research leader.
Topics is the second course required for students in the Bachelor of Computer Science (Advanced) but is not available to students in other Computer Science-related degrees who meet the entry criteria, even if they have successfully completed Grand Challenges.
Course Information
- Level: 2
- Credit: 6 units
- Pre-requisite: COMP SCI 1103 and COMP SCI 1104
- Restriction: Available to B.Comp Sc (Advanced) students only.
- Important details about the course are found in the Course Profile document located here.
Course Learning Outcomes
- Develop skills in independent project work and research.
- Acquire knowledge in a selected area of contemporary conputer science.
- Improve communication skills in reporting findings of the study.
Research in the School of Computer Science
The School of Computer Science has a proud tradition of world-class research and development, both fundamental and applied.
Our staff have a broad range of research interests, and a strong research ethos. Our work is well known and respected in Australia and internationally in the fields of computer vision, distributed and high performance computing, evolutionary systems, computer science education, formal methods and software architectures.
Here is a list of research focuses of our faculty.
Project Topics
List of available projects.
Students are also allowed to propose their own topics (subject to the course coordinator''s approval). Typically, a project should carry enough depth that may lead to a research publication.
Course Milestones
- Written Project: 30%
- System: 30%
- Demo and presentation: 20%
- Midterm presentations and participation:20%
Example Past Projects
Course Offerings