With my grandson, Adam, on his graduation day (West Lakes Shore School), Adelaide, Australia, 14 December 2017
After winning 7 : 6 a soccer game, two teams of 3 players each, Adelaide, November 2017
Be careful: at some restaurants the waiting time is very long...:-), Adelaide, November 2017
At the opening of a bar in Port Adelaide - and a display of photos of my daughter-in-law, Luiza, Adelaide, October 2017
With family at the Oktoberfest, Hahndorf, Australia, October 2017
With Marek Michalewicz, restaurant "Pasieka", Warsaw, Poland, August 2017
Enjoying becherovka, Prague, Czech Republic, September 2017
In front of the inn "Rzym" - the very place where devil captered Twardowski, Sucha Beskidzka, Poland, August 2017
With Adam and Arthur at the Checiny Castle, Poland, August 2017
With family at a monastery, Moldova, August 2017
Visiting a winery, Moldova, August 2017
With Marc Schoenauer, Adelaide Hills, Australia, February 2017